

NDLTCA recognizes that Long Term Care facilities struggle with staffing in all positions within their buildings. We continue to build partnerships with organizations to help in your recruiting efforts.

Partnerships & Resources

Find the Good Life in North Dakota – Ask anyone living in North Dakota why they love living here, and you’ll hear a long list of answers. They might tell you about our great schools and family-friendly communities. They might share a story about how their career took off here, or how they built a thriving business from scratch. They might talk about the way our frontier spirit encourages loving boldly and authentically.


JOBS -North Dakota’s economy is booming across many industries. From the flourishing energy development sector to leading edge technology companies, the opportunities are as varied as our geography. You’ll find careers in professional services, healthcare, education, government and trades for all levels.


Check out the website by clicking on the link above for the ND Commerce department’s campaign.