
Sponsor Level
1260 W Villard, Dickinson, ND 58601

Roers is a North Dakota based development company specializing in development, construction, real estate, and property management. Roers has a proven track record for building success in the communities they serve. Visit our website for insight on the company’s services, projects and community involvement.

3535 South 31st Street Suite 203, Grand Forks, ND 58201

From renovation to new construction, Widseth has completed projects for non-profit, private, and public long-term care and senior housing providers. We understand the challenges providers face in creating facilities that are welcoming and flexible and that promotes staffing efficiency. We keep up with current industry terminology and trends, construction technology, and, of course, local and state building codes. Our focus on energy efficiency, high-performance systems, and sustainability to all of the buildings we design leads to energy efficient and cost effective facilities.